Summit 2024

Zapp Studio’s Summit 2024: A Day to Remember!

On the 21st of June, the Zapp Studio team gathered to celebrate our long-awaited Summit 2024. It was a day full of inspiration, fun and camaraderie that not only allowed us to reflect on the past year and plan for the future, but also to strengthen our bonds as a team.

Looking Back and Moving Forward with Strength
Our CEO opened the event with an exciting talk in which we reviewed the results of 2023. It was a year of great achievements and learnings, and we are proud of all that we have accomplished. We also shared the ambitious goals we have for 2024, highlighting what we have already achieved so far this year, and presented an exciting preview of what we are looking to achieve in 2025.

New additions and changes
We celebrated new additions to the team, welcoming new members who are already bringing their talent and energy to our projects. We also discussed some strategic changes that will help us continue to innovate and deliver the best solutions to our clients.

Fun and togetherness
After the talk and presentations, the fun was not long in coming. We organised a series of activities designed to stimulate our creativity and strengthen team spirit:
Escape Room in the Office: we became detectives for a day, solving mysteries and puzzles in an exciting escape room. It was an experience full of adrenaline and teamwork.
Dynamic Quiz Competition: We put our wits and imagination to the test with a series of fun and dynamic challenges – there was no shortage of laughter and we discovered hidden talents in each other!
First class catering: We enjoyed a delicious catering that offered a variety of options to suit all tastes. The good food and festive atmosphere recharged our energies for the rest of the day.

Looking to the future
Summit 2024 was not only an opportunity to look back and celebrate our successes, but also to look forward with enthusiasm and determination. With clear objectives and a team that is more united than ever, we are ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Thank you to everyone who made this unforgettable day possible! Let’s continue working together to make Zapp Studio a place where innovation and fun go hand in hand.

Want to see more?
Don’t miss the video summary of the event and discover why Zapp Studio is much more than a software company, we are a big family in constant evolution!

We hope you enjoy as much as we did this glimpse of the amazing day we spent together – let’s go for a 2024 full of success and new adventures!

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