
Gamification and its advantages

What is Gamification?

Gamification is a type of interactive marketing with which an app can increase customer engagement, build loyalty to your business and generate branding for your company.

Although it seems a fairly simple definition, there are several authors who define the concept of gamification. Huotari and Hamari (2017): “Gamification refers to the design of information systems with the potential to generate game-like experiences and motivations and, consequently, to try to influence user behaviour”. Although the most widely accepted in the literature is that of Deterding, Dixon, Khaled and Nacke (2011).

This translates into the design of experiences and motivations, similar to a game, where the main objective is to encourage the user to participate in the process, thus generating engagement with it.

Motivation and results.

By combining games and technology, we motivate users to participate in our application in the processes, and thus drive them towards our business objectives.

It is very important that everyone is clear about the process to be followed so that it is attractive to the user. Make it easy and dynamic so that they stay in the “game” and thus achieve the results of the app.

Feedback and rewards.

The user should be informed at all times of how they are doing. With a simple dashboard that reports points, ranking and rewards, or even tutorial generation, the user will be motivated to participate in the dynamics of an app. In addition, recognition is a part of the game dynamics.

On the other hand, participating users should be rewarded as they reach each of the objectives set, so that we always maintain a high level of motivation and engagement.

Tailor-made development

There are several ways to develop a gamification platform within an app. At Zapp Studio we develop it according to the needs of each client. From the control panels to the dashboards that the end user who participates in the process can see, it is meticulously developed so that the user experience is ideal.

By investing in gamification solutions, you can optimise your profits, establish yourself as a benchmark brand, differentiate yourself from your competitors and give added value to your app.

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